A browser extension to control your ads and earn money from the ones you're already seeing: Meet UPAID

We're getting ready to launch our private beta. Signup now for a chance to be one of the first people to get paid for every ad you see.

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Make Ads Work for You

S E E   B E T T E R   A D S

Tell advertisers what you're interested in so you can see better ads. In the market for a new product? Let us know and we can help advertisers compete to show you the best deals.

E A R N   R E A L   M O N E Y

Get rewarded with actual money. 20% of the cost of every ad you see goes to you.

S U P P O R T   P U B L I S H E R S

Help content creators earn 3x higher rates for their ad sales.

T A K E   C O N T R O L

A central hub for you to control your advertising experience. Sick of the same ads for products you already bought? You can reset your ID at any time.

M A I N T A I N   P R I V A C Y

Your ID is not and never will be tied to any personally identifiable information. 

E M A I L - L E S S   L O G I N S

Sign into any website or app with your UPAID and no longer need to worry about giving your email or remembering passwords